Where do you go to get the internet marketing education that will truly make the difference? The difference in your understanding, or (if you’re building a business) the difference in how you approach the marketing of your business, or perhaps your job (if you’re responsible for directing the marketing tactics for a brand)?
I personally spent 12 months clicking around on the internet in search of that right company that provides the education and the tools to become a Master Internet Marketer. And, also provides the environment where you learn to start implementing, and start taking action on what you are learning. And, as a result, start making the difference and start achieving your goals.
And, why did I do this (click around for 12 months, that is)? Because, I believe in affiliating with the-best-of-the-best and it does take time to find just the right source that will work for your needs.
SO – Let me help you save all that time and share with you the steps, the thought processes, on how to find that right internet educational resource that will work for your online needs and goals.
[First, let me preface, however, the following steps with one thought. I know Internet Marketing is now being served up on the college campuses. Brilliant. If I was headed off to college, I would take what I could on the subject. Even, make Internet Marketing my major. But, I chose to learn (not from books), but from the leaders in the industry, who are making it happen and producing the results. Because at the end of the day - it's results]
One more comment:
As I’ve stated in other articles, knowing internet marketing is rapidly becoming the most valuable commodity you can own in today’s global economy. Learning how to leverage the internet, is becoming the most prized skill set you can capture. Internet growth has increased 362% in just the last 9 years, and reaches over 1.6 Billion people worldwide. And, the internet growth is expected to continue, since we’re only at a 24.7% world penetration level.
OK. So – once you’ve decided to get out of your comfort zone and to start learning this stuff, where do you go to get the education you want? What do you look for? How do you go about it all? What should you be asking before you decide if this is the company where you can really learn to become an Internet Marketer (or for some, A Master Internet Millionaire Marketer)?
10 Steps To Help You Find The Right Internet Marketing Education:
Everything starts here. Entrepreneurial vision. Faith. The ability to see the potential of the future before it’s here. “Can Do” attitude. A level of perseverance and tenacity against all odds and challenges. The attitude that “the buck stops here” and you take accountability for the results. Ability to accept never ending change, because we are in an Internet Evolution.
So – because of the importance of “mindset”, find that resource that not only includes brilliant marketing minds on the internet, but also provides some of the industry’s top mindset coaches. Make certain your curriculum includes subject matter on the importance of leadership and developing leaders.
As you learn internet marketing and you become more visible online, you will begin to assume the role of a leader. And, it’s understood, not everyone comes with the ready made entrepreneurial visionary mind. So – go out and learn it. One of the best ways to develop a successful mindset, is to spend time studying other successful entrepreneurs.
Make certain you are aware of your associations. Your network of people you surround yourself with, will determine your financial networth. Associate with leaders. Once you are clear on your goals and the person you want to become, your daily actions will reflect this.
2) YOUR “WHY”:
What is your reason for learning internet marketing? This is huge. You need your reason in order to keep you motivated through the challenges. Take some time on this step if you need.
You may of heard this saying: What you believe, is what you do, and what you do, determines your lifestyle. If you believe in the power of the internet, then you will stop everything right now to study/learn/implement. If you study/learn/implement, then you will have the possibility of a lifestyle change.
It all starts with your “why.”
You usually invest Time, Money and/or Energy. You can start out learning right now with little (or no) money. You do not need the big bucks to spend on your education in the beginning. Stay within your budget each step throughout your education.
As you progress, you will naturally want to expand your knowledge which then may require (if you desire) a specialist where your investment in money will start to kick in. The beautiful advantage of marketing “online” versus “offline” is money. You can learn the “online” marketing tactics that are FREE.
So – look for that educational resource that provides within their Internet Curriculum an education on the FREE internet marketing tactics, such as: Social Media (Facebook, My Space), Article Marketing, Press Releases, Blogging, Forum Marketing, Social Bookmarking, Squidoo, Hub Pages, Video Marketing, Keyword Research…
And, make certain the curriculum also provides the marketing masterminds (that I call the “specialists”) in such areas, as: Google, SEO, Copywriting, Personal Branding…
What is your Mission Statement, and is the internet educational resource inline with your Mission Statement. This may be a difficult question to answer for some. But if you are building a business, and have a mission statement, then having that educator with like type mission/philosophy helps to drive your education along the same lines as your goals.
Let me give you an example, if I may:
My Mission Statement: To help others throughout the world realize you do have options, and to help you understand those options that are available to you (over & beyond the corporate arena), and to guide you to where you can create & develop your own Financial Security – Online.
I then took my mission statement, which is based on Financial Security, and found the internet educational resource, that is ALSO based around: 1) Financial Security and 2) Education for the next wave of Master Internet Millionaire Marketers.
The reason for this approach is because it helps you to be in-line philosophically with who you are working with, learning from and growing your future with.
This may be tough to determine. Try to get a sense of the company’s business model and business ethics. Find the company’s mission statement and ask if it is inline with your mission, or how you may want to approach your marketing education. And is the company’s branding and message consistent and uphold ethics.
So – is the marketing and branding of the company you are considering for your education, inline with how you want to ultimately approach your marketing? Can you see value that is being provided?
Do they teach the type of marketing that you embrace. Are the company leaders/top producers “buying leads” or does the company have an extensive marketing curriculum being taught by the current Internet Mastermind Marketers. Or, is the education coming strictly from one source. One individual.
If you are on the internet you have the potential to market globally. What you want to ask yourself, is if the curriculum is translated into languages worldwide where the opportunity to be an Internet Marketer is being provided to people throughout the world, no matter the language.
You want to look for a curriculum that is providing a new skill set to anyone, anywhere in the world, and educates everyone how to market online – whether that person has a product or business already, or not. A company’s curriculum that embraces this philosophy is inline with providing true value to others.
How long does this company/curriculum plan on being around. Are they here to stay. The internet arena is constantly evolving and changing, and it’s nice to feel comfortable that who you are working with has a mission/game plan to be here for 5+ years.
I have to admit, this approach to training really helped me. Does the curriculum provide “click-by-click” training. Can you can see “click-by-click” how things online are actually set up. This really helps to cut down the learning curve. It is too time intensive to learn from a book.
And, does the curriculum include “in the office of a top producer” training, so you see “how” the leaders are getting the results, now.
10) Staying Current With The Ever Evolving Changes:
A curriculum that is staying on top of the evolving changes by bringing onto the staff the marketing masterminds to keep the students current (i.e. SEO, Google).
We are in an internet evolution with changes and growth occurring very quickly, so you need to get out of the books, and onto the computer screen. You want to find the leaders, the top producers, the internet marketing masterminds in the internet marketing industry.
So, pick wisely based on your goals and marketing style you are comfortable with.
Get the education you need to learn to leverage the internet. To understand more, give yourself a few minutes to get to know and understand the system that will get you the premier internet marketing education. The system that you